A recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald written by Helen Greenwood points out many of the benefits of using timber, as a source of material for manufacturing product.
At Austraw we have many products that are made from Timber. Cutlery, Toothpicks, Steak Markers, Chopsticks and Stirrers to name a few. We are proud to be helping the environment with our One Tree range.
Below is an excerpt from the article.
Trees are nature’s carbon storage. So says Peter Maddison, the architect and host of LifeStyle Channel’s Grand Designs Australia, in a recent television ad. By using wooden products made of sustainable timber, we help tackle climate change.
The logic goes like this: growing trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, emit oxygen and store carbon. The carbon remains locked in the wood for the life of the piece of timber until it rots, decays or is burnt. By planting trees and using wood rather than other materials, we invest in a long-term way to sink and store carbon for Australia.
Maddison agreed to do the advertising campaign because of its sustainability message. ”Man-made materials such as bricks, mortar, concrete, glass, steel, plastics, take a lot of energy to make. Timber takes less,” he says.
“Timber has about 9 per cent to 12 per cent moisture, so when you cut through it, it’s like taking the cork off a bottle of fine wine. You can smell the micro-organisms and life in it.”
Read the full article