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Clean Up Australia Day

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It’s hard to believe that Clean Up Australia Day was started 30 years ago. What began as a simple idea and inspiration of Ian Kiernan, Clean Up Australian Day has now grown to be a Nation Wide event.

With 17.7+ Million Aussies donating their time over the past 30 years and 35 million hours of volunteer time; over 375,000 ute loads of rubbish have been collected.

Clean Up Australia has evolved into an organisation that works with our community, government and businesses to provide practical solutions to help us all live more sustainably every day of the year.

Today their focus is as much on preventing rubbish entering our environment as it is about removing rubbish that has already accumulated.

Supporting a more circular economy is a great first step and one the team actively encourage.

6 actions they want you to take today are;

  • Buy products that last!
  • Repair where possible
  • Buy products that have been designed for end of life – this means you can return the item at the end of its life for recycling
  • Buy previously used items
  • Avoid Single Use
  • Close the loop – buy products that contain recycled content

Clean Up Australia Day is on March 1st and you can register your own clean up event or join an existing team by heading to their website.

You will also find their website full of valuable information on recycling and resources for schools and businesses, helping everyone do their part to keep Australia beautiful.